
So today I am going to talk about anatomy of nails and how we should treat them so I will start from the bottom parts on our nails:

1. Matrix
The matrix is responsible for producing cells that become the nail plate. So Matix is below your cuticle, so you can't see them.

2. Lunula
Lunula is the visible part of the matrix, the whitish crescent-shaped base of the visible nail.

3. Nail Plate
the hard part of the nail, made of translucent keratin protein. Several layers of dead, compacted cells cause the nail to be strong but flexible. It's (transverse) shape is determined by the form of the underlying bone. So what you have to do to treat the nail plate you can use a base coat and don't apply nail polish for a long time  will make your nails plate yellow or stain. If this happen u can brush your nails with tooth paste and tooth brush.

4. Nail Contour Cuticle
The nail groove or fold are the cutaneous slits into which the lateral margins are embedded. This parts you should use cuticle oil so you can get your cuticle isn't dry.

5. Free Edge
is the anterior margin of the nail plate corresponding to the abrasive or cutting edge of the nail. You can treat them with using a base coat, so your nails will be strong.

So, that's the nailogy today :)

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